Our Work

New Zealand Child & Youth Clinical Network

The NZ Child & Youth Clinical Network consists of groups of child- and youth-trained health professionals and consumers who work collaboratively to improve health outcomes for tamariki and rangatahi.

The New Zealand Child and Youth Clinical Network (NZCYCN) comprises of ten Networks that focus on a range of speciality areas. All Networks aim to provide health professionals with resources to improve practice, and to promote the delivery of equitable child and youth health services that improve health outcomes for all tamariki and rangatahi.

Networks also provide a national voice to promote service improvements where child health issues and gaps are recognised in health service provision, which can involve submissions and consultation with Government and other healthcare providers.

Our Networks are overseen by a Chair or Co-Chairs and supported by a Project Coordinator. You can make contact with our Networks via our Project Coordinators on the email addresses below.

For more information about the specific remit of each of our Networks, and to access the resources that they have developed, you can link through the Network's name or visit our Resources Page.

Network Chair/s Project Coordinator Contact
Child Protection Russell Wills Stacey Greaney
Diabetes Jo McClintock Kati Wilson
Eczema - Te Rōpū Kiripai Hapori Angela Craig Rosalie Hornung
Gastroenterology Cate Fraser-Irwin Amy Andrews
Neurodevelopment Colette Muir and
Denise Janes
Kati Wilson
Neurology Lynette Sadleir Rebecca Berry
Newborn Malcolm Battin Claire Annan

Paediatric Palliative Care

Amanda Evans

Ranui Maxwell

Respiratory & Sleep Network Cass Byrnes and David McNamara Ranui Maxwell

Recent Network Highlights

24/25 Q1 Network Highlights (PDF)

23/24 Q4 Network Highlights (PDF)

23/24 Q2 Network Highlights (PDF)

23/24 Q1 Network Highlights (PDF)

22/23 Q4 Network Highlights (PDF)

22/23 Q3 Network Highlights (PDF)

Annual Reports

Our Annual Reports provide an overview of the work that the NZCYCN has completed, the key issues in each area of work, and future plans. You can read our Annual Reports here.