NZ Child & Youth Clinical Network

Child and Youth Clinical Network for Gastroenterology Services

The Gastroenterology Services Clinical Network operates with dedicated members from various disciplines across several regions in Aotearoa.

Network Priorities

Our network priorities align with our work plan and the Paediatric Society of New Zealand’s strategy. We will continue to refine and incorporate Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles with expert guidance. The core priorities for the upcoming year include:

Early Identification and Management of Liver Disease: Improving outcomes for vulnerable pēpi and tamariki by engaging communities, co-designing strategies, and advocating for meaningful approaches to address inequity in liver disease care.

National Clinical Pathways for Coeliac Disease: Establishing nationally accepted pathways for diagnosing and managing coeliac disease, with input from consumers and consideration of their lived experiences.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Management: Enhancing the care of tamariki and rangatahi with IBD through advocacy and workforce development.

Whānau-Centred Education: Developing tamariki and whānau-centred educational materials on innovative platforms in collaboration with key stakeholders, including other clinical networks. The goal is to ensure equitable access to resources across Aotearoa.

Sustainability of the Clinical Network: Maintaining an active work plan aligned with the Paediatric Society of New Zealand’s strategy to ensure the sustainability of the network and its activities.

Clinical Resources and Guidelines

Access the referral pathway for the baby with jaundice via this link.

Beware Yellow Resources can be downloaded from the IDFNZ website.

Whānau Resources

KidsHealth, supported by the Paediatric Society of New Zealand, is the go-to source for whānau seeking trusted child health information and resources.

Here are some links to relevant pages on the KidsHealth website:

Biliary Atresia: Comprehensive information on early signs, diagnosis, treatment options, and long-term management of biliary atresia in pēpi and tamariki.

Coeliac Disease: Comprehensive information on diagnosis, management, and living with coeliac disease.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Details about IBD types, symptoms, and treatment options.

Colonoscopy in Children: An overview of the procedure, often used for conditions like IBD.

Iron Deficiency in Children & Young People: Discusses causes like coeliac disease and IBD, along with management strategies.


Information on the management of infant and paediatric chronic liver disease

There are a number of consumer groups who support and advocate for the needs of children, young people and their families with various medical conditions.

Below are the website links to NZ groups relevant to this clinical Network

Kids Foundation for liver disease and transplant

Crohns and Colitis NZ for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Coeliac Disease

Role Name Area
Project Coordinator Amy Andrews Northern
Chair Cate Fraser-Irwin Northern
Member Amin Roberts Northern
Member Andrew Day Te Waipounamu
Member David Barker Northern
Member Helen Evans Northern
Member John Atkinson Northern
Member Jon Bishop Northern
Member Kim Herbison Northern
Member Nikki Blair Central
Member Rob Lopez Northern
Member Sally-Jane Lewington Te Waipounamu
Member Stephanie Brown Te Waipounamu
Member Stephen Mouat Northern

Network News and Updates