The New Zealand Child & Youth Newborn Clinical Network aims to provide clinical leadership in developing and maintaining a sustainable nationwide clinical service for newborns, delivered as close to home as possible.
This is achieved through a multi-pronged approach, including the appointment of a national, multidisciplinary Clinical Reference Group (CRG) supported by medical, nursing, and allied health professionals. The CRG fosters collaboration across neonatal units, disseminating information, discussing treatment advances, and implementing national guidelines.
Additionally, the CRG provides service and treatment advice to the Paediatric Society of New Zealand | Te Kāhu Mātai Arotamariki o Aotearoa (PSNZ), the NZCYCN Programme’s Advisory Group, and the Ministry of Health.
Network Priorities
The network’s priorities for the coming year include:
Equity and Te Tiriti Ensuring that the Newborn CRG’s Terms of Reference follow the PSNZ equity plan, with Te Tiriti and equity as central pillars.
Whānau Information Developing more content for the newborn section on the KidsHealth website to ensure up-to-date, easy-to-understand information is available for whānau.
Benchmarking Neonatal Units Benchmarking neonatal units across New Zealand using ANZNN data.
Family-Integrated Care (FiCare) Producing an endorsement document advocating for the implementation of FiCare in neonatal care nationwide.
National Cot Status Review Preparing a framework paper for Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, outlining key considerations for neonatal care, including transitional care requirements.
Practice Recommendations Review Reviewing the top three practice recommendations: neonatal care at 23-24 weeks gestation, skin care of neonates less than 28 weeks gestation, and the New Zealand Consensus Statement on the care of mother and baby(ies) at periviable gestations. The latter will be informed by data from the National Mortality Review Committee and ANZNN.