The Paediatric Society of New Zealand’s Child Protection Clinical Network is a multidisciplinary group composed of nurses, social workers, allied health professionals, doctors, managers, and funders, all committed to leading child protection and domestic violence initiatives within Te Whatu Ora.
Network Priorities
The network will continue collaborating with the Ministry of Health on significant child protection workstreams, including the Te Whatu Ora Child Protection Policy, the Gateway Programme Review recommendations, and refining the health system's involvement in the Child Protection Protocol (CPP) and care models for children in care.
Oversight will be maintained for the Child Protection Health Information Sharing System and the Violence Intervention Programme, ensuring effective systems are in place to support vulnerable children. Additionally, the network is preparing to support the rollout of the new Power to Protect programme and evaluating pilot programmes for the Violence Intervention Programme online training.
These efforts reflect the network's commitment to strengthening policies, services, and advocacy for the health and wellbeing of tamariki and rangatahi in Aotearoa.